Central Ohio Organization for Nursing Leadership

OONL Award Nominations Due August 24

Posted 3 months ago by Andrea Scurria

Dear OONL Member:


OONL is again seeking nominations for three separate awards, in conjunction with the OONL fall conference Nov. 6-8 at the Renaissance Hotel in Westerville, OH. Please consider nominating a deserving nurse leader you know!  Conference registration will open in September – stay tuned!


OONL Leadership Award – criteria includes:


  1. OONL board/committee activity - nominee must have served on the OONL Board of Directors in the past and/or present, OR served on an OONL committee of the Board, and attended OONL conference(s). Those without OONL board/OONL committee service are not eligible for this award.
  2. Must be OONL Member
  3. Innovative leadership - workplace, professional or civic – promotes wellbeing, resiliency and/or diversity and inclusion
  4. Practice - promotes professional development, research, presentations, publications, advocacy for patient care or advancement of nursing practice
  5. Strategic planning - participation, innovation and ability to execute/implement plans
  6. Mentoring - role modeling, commitment to education for nurses, or development of future nurse leaders


Complete the OONL Leadership award online nomination form by Aug. 24!